to become a VF member
The aplicant should be able to keep any position within the Formation. We're training 3 times a week so less training shouldn't be the Problem.
The aplicant should be older than 18 years. Younger aplicants only can get a position after we evaluated the behaviuor of the person. Sorry for that but we've our expiriences.
Time planning and appointments
The aplicant should have enough time left for joining the training sessions. We have three trainingdays a week these days are Tuesday, Thursday beginning at 10:00 o'clock pm (GMT+1) and Sunday at 08:30 pm (GMT+1). If the new Member is not able to join a Date so that shouldnt be a Problem, if this issue wont turn to a persisting fact. In this case just let us know by using the PM Function in the Forum.
The new Member will be a part of a well expirienced Team. We're just on a good way to become professional. That's why we don't accept that Pilots are joining to Teams. If you send us an aplication for becoming a Member of the Staff Team so this is a different fact where we can talk about.
The contact form
Our pilot's application form is a very simply held Script. However, it also depends not necessarily on how extensive the Script is, more as extensively the contents are which you want to write to us. We need some information of You which betrays us a little bit more about You.
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